People from as young as a few months to those later in life benefit from a professional massage.
Decrease blood pressure
Relieve symptoms of stress
Increase joint mobility
Relieve muscle and joint soreness
Increase flexibility
Increase tissue circulation
Increase immune function
Increase lymphatic circulation
On the first visit I will discuss your reasons for seeking a massage as well as current physical condition, medical history, lifestyle, stress level, or specific areas of pain. Having privately disrobed to your individual comfort level, you will lie between two sheets with a blanket on top for warmth. Respecting your privacy, I will only undrape the part of the body which is being massaged. Relaxing music is generally played to aid in the relaxation.
Yes, there are many types of massage. Some of them are discussed under the techniques dropdown.
Most clients tend to feel very relaxed. There are times when clients have a feeling of increased energy or greater mobility in their body. Sometimes, with deeper massage the client may feel that the muscles are sore for a day or two, but generally no longer than that. Clients are recommended to increase their water intake after a massage to rehydrate the body.
Yes. There are some reasons that massage therapy may not be the best choice at the moment. If you have a cold or the flu, the massage should be rescheduled for another date. Letting me know of any heart, circulatory, skin conditions, or some form of infectious diseases may be a reason to alter the massage.